- 精度:当社のスタイラスは正確な測定を可能にし、最高の精度で再現性のある結果を出します。
- 品質:最新の生産技術により、高い正確性、安定性、耐久性を実現します。
- 堅牢性:当社のZEISS M3 XXTスタイラスにより、従来のM3測定プローブと比較して、システム全体の堅牢性が高まります。
- 迅速・簡単:優れた標準スタイラスポートフォリオとZEISS Metrology Shopから、必要なときに必要なスタイラスを入手できます。
- 多様:当社の特殊スタイラスで、あらゆるものを測定できます。球形のスタイラスに加えて、スタースタイラス、シリンダースタイラス、T-スタイラス、その他の多くのスタイラスを取り揃えています。
プローブの品質が低いと、測定の精度は下がり、 より大きな測定誤差が発生し、スクラップ率が増加します。また、スタイラスの耐用年数も品質に大きく左右されます。この問題は、高品質なZEISSスタイラスで効果的に回避可能です。

ZEISS M3 XXTスタイラスが特別である理由
ZEISS M3 XXTスタイラスにより、従来のM3測定プローブと比較して、スタイラスシステム全体の堅牢性が大幅に向上します。この堅牢性は、XXTアダプターのベースボディの直径が1 mm大きい(つまり、接触面が大きい)ことと、チタン合金の使用とによって実現されます。対応するアダプターがない場合、M3 XXTシステムでM3スタイラスを使用することはお勧めしません。
高品質のスタイラスであっても消耗品のため、定期的に点検する必要があります。そして、点検こそが測定の不正確性を防ぐ唯一の方法です。測定プローブ素子の摩耗と材料の欠けは、長期的に見て避けられないためです。ただし、ZEISS Diamond!Scanスタイラスを使用すれば、耐久性のある材料によりこのプロセスを大幅に延長できます。

ワークピースの材料やスタイラスチップによっては、測定スタイラスチップに材料が堆積することは避けられません。したがって、スタイラスは、材料の堆積を減らし、測定の不正確さを防ぐために、定期的にチェックおよびクリーニングする必要があります。アルミニウムなどの柔らかいワークピースの表面では、材料の堆積がさらに問題になります。そのような場合には、ZEISS Diamond!Scanスタイラスが理想的な選択肢です。ダイヤモンド球を使用すると、スタイラスへの材料の堆積が最小限に抑えられます。

#measuringhero で、スタイラスについてもっと知る
スタイラスは、いくつかのコンポーネントで構成されているだけでなく、それ自体がスタイラスシステム全体の一部を構成します。スタイラスは、CMMとジョイント部品、延長シャフト、ホルダー、またはクランプインサートと組み合わせることで、信頼性の高いZEISS品質により、高い精度で再現性のある測定結果を提供します。スタイラスの役割とスタイラス製造プロセスの詳細については #measuringhero でご確認いただけます。
Frequently asked questions about styli
What do I do if my measurement has too much variation?
- Environmental influences, especially temperature
- Fixture
- Measuring program
- Machine
How do I check the reproducibility of my stylus system?
You can check the reproducibility of your stylus system in three steps. Repeat steps 2 and 3 several times and compare the repeatability of the results in an evaluation tool (e.g., Excel or PiWeb):
- Calibrate stylus system
- Measure the calibration ball with the reference styli and set the position of the ball to zero
- Measure the ball with all styli of the stylus system and check for deviations
What ball accuracy is recommended?
The standard accuracy of the probe ball is Grade 5. For form measurements with higher accuracy, balls with better roundness are needed to minimize errors in the measurement. Note, however, that Grade 3 balls are not necessarily better than Grade 5 balls, because the grade of the probe balls is determined in a batch process. So, if a particular manufacturing batch selection is in tolerance, it is assumed that all balls are within that grade. The accuracy distribution of the balls thus corresponds to a Gaussian distribution. That is why poorer ball accuracies may also be sold in Grade 3.
If you need a styli with very accurate roundness, you should use a styli with a certificate. Only then you can be sure that the specified roundness is maintained and meets your requirements.
How do I check my styli for wearing and how often is this recommended?
A styli, like any other tool, is subject to natural wear and tear. Damage, e.g., by abrasion, scratches or chipping, or contamination, e.g., by material application, oil or paint, significantly affect the measuring accuracy. Since this is usually not visible to the bare eye, the styli should be checked under a microscope for damage or contamination. How often you should perform this inspection depends on the styli's application or the environmental parameters.
We recommend getting an overview by means of a kind of tool card, as it is also available for production machines, and to determine an inspection cycle from it.
How long can I use my styli?
How long you can use your styli depends entirely on the type of application. Wearing occurs where the probe ball touches the workpiece being measured. If the same point is always used, for example when scanning a plane, then the styli will have a shorter life than if circles are scanned, for example. This is because the entire equator of the sphere is in use. Other factors that affect styli life include scanning distance, speed, probing force, measuring environment, and the material being measured.
We recommend that you create a quality card for each styli and use it to test the styli on a regular basis. This will provide a reliable average life of the particular styli over time.
Can I continue to use a styli after a collision?
If a collision occurred, the stylus system should be checked on a ring. Since these are high-precision measuring devices, one should not take any risks. Special attention should be paid to styli or extensions with a carbon fiber shaft, as it is possible that individual fibers have been torn. This can only be detected on the ring itself. Styli with a carbide or ceramic shaft can still be used after a collision if the ball is still on the shaft.
Caution: Extreme care must be taken with dovetailed balls! In contrast to the case of glued or soldered balls in a shaft, the balls do not necessarily fall off in a mortised connection. They can remain loose on the trunnions and lead to measurement errors. Unfortunately, this often happens unnoticed, so you should check dovetailed balls immediately after a collision.
What does shaft touching mean?
If there is a contact between the workpiece and the styli shaft instead of the probe ball, there is a shaft touching. Since a shaft touching also triggers a signal at the probe head, but is not defined, shaft touching leads to incorrect measurements that often go unnoticed. When measuring with small probe balls, which usually have thin shafts, there is a risk that the shaft will bend during probing. If the fasteners used, such as angles or cubes, are of poor quality or have been inaccurately adjusted, shaft touching may also occur.
What should I look for when planning a stylus system?
You should pay attention to the following points when planning your stylus system.
The stylus system should
- be as rigid as possible
- have as few connection points as possible
- weigh as little as possible
- have as little thermal expansion as possible
You should also make sure to use high quality components, as the quality of the stylus system pays 100 % into the accuracy of your measurement results.